2 Life-Altering Reasons to be a College Smart® Student — and a Career-Smart® grad
#1: Develop the career skills employers seek… but today’s college grads lack
- Washington Post Headline...
Why are so many college students failing to gain job skills before graduation? A few facts:1Based on a survey of 32,000 students at 169 colleges/universities. 40% of college seniors don’t have…
the complex reasoning skills needed in today’s workplace… Plus… they’re missing other skills… like problem-solving, decision-making, prioritizing tasks, working with teams.
- Xerox: Says the Head of Global Learning... “Grads need to learn how to learn: They move into a contextual job, not a task-based job.” John Leutner
- Says the VP of Talent Acquisition at Enterprise... “Our best employees are problem solvers and are able to weave everything they know together. They can think on their feet.” Susan Artim, (Alamo, Enterprise, National Holdings Inc.,) also quoted in the Washington Post article above.
#2: Avoid Unexpected College Debt
About 66% of parents will face unplanned-for college debt in extra semesters. It’s a critical national problem. Why unexpected?- Because in high school, their students consistently earned outstanding grades — all based on very little study and spiraling grade inflation.
- Now, in College, they’re “on their own” for the first time — using their own judgment. Given their new-found independence, they dramatically short-change study time, replacing it with more attractive activities.
The Solution.
Using My College Smart® Success Formula not only shows students how to graduate on time – they will enter the workplace greatly in-demand. How it works: Students will learn to….- Avoid common, everyday student mistakes. Harmless? They’re fatal.
- Find a life direction (major) early in college. Delaying this decision causes extra debt.
- Master valuable personal skills and credentials during college. By practicing the College Smart® Strategies to succeed in all their courses, they are daily becoming more workplace-ready.
- Every time a student drops a “difficult” course to avoid a low grade, he/she must re-take it (or an equivalent course) — adding to debt.
The Great Advantages of being a being a College Smart® student
- Be 1 of 3 who graduates in 4 years.
- Stand out as a Career-Smart® job candidate: with the competencies today’s employers are “desperate” to find. See Not Career Ready tab: Employers Desperate.
- Generally speaking, college grads… live a happier life. Later on, learn about this Happier Life Advantage based on scientific findings.
The BIG Connection between college and workplace performance
Succeeding in either relies on the same skills.
A college student’s performance indicates personal qualities and attitudes: also known as a work ethic. Used as a resume for that first job, college transcripts show whether or not students —- Finish the courses they start. They don’t “drop” them when courses get tough.
- Consistently get high grades — not up and down grades, depending on whether or not they “like” the course.
- Take coursework seriously. High grades indicate strivers who set and reach goals.
College Smart® grads have the competencies modern employers want in today’s fast-paced world.

What do college transcripts tell employers?
Used as a resume for that first job, college transcripts show whether or not students —- Finish the courses they start. They don’t “drop” them when courses get tough.
- Consistently get high grades – not up and down grades, depending on whether or not they “like” the coursework.
- Take work seriously. High grades indicate strivers who set and reach goals.
Who is Dr. Bob?
Likely the longest-serving academic dean in the U.S. A career of intense “field research.”
Says Dr. Bob. “I designed several advising programs based on talking one-on-one with thousands of students. This intense “field research” has given me deep insights into students, their learning, thinking, studying, and barriers to achieving. I know, first-hand, where their challenges lie. I’ve developed a wonderful rapport with students.Plus... acted as a consultant to global employment specialists: experts in Staffing, Recruitment, & Assessment.
Dr. Bob has individually counseled literally 12,000 students. He has seen it all.

A Recognized Expert
Dr. Bob has appeared in major publications. For example:- Quoted in US News &World Report College Edition, 2 consecutive years
- New York Times: Failure is not an option
- USA Today, newspaper, ’Get ‘Ready’ for honest college advice
- USA Today reprinted by AARP
- USA TODAY Magazine
- Learning is Forever
- Time to Get Serious
- Fiscal Times: “D-minus” and Going South
- Washington Post: The Answer Sheet