How College Smart®, Career Smart® are You?

How high would you score AS A STUDENT in these areas RIGHT NOW?

As you answer these questions, what you do notice? How does this list relate to the Agility List?

▢  Are you well-organized and “in-control” — or “scattered”?

▢  Do you make good decisions based on weighing options? Do you know how?

▢  Do you learn efficiently? Can you apply different methods and tactics when you learn?

▢  Do you feel confident that you know the material when you are finished?

▢  Can use what you know to analyze and evaluate?

▢  Can you solve problems?

▢  Think of new and better ways of doing things? (Called Innovate in the workplace.)

▢  Write clearly & efficiently?

▢  Do you voluntarily talk in class? What holds you back?

▢  Do you speak with poise? Or stumble?

▢  Are you comfortable talking one-on-one to your counselor, teachers, or authority figures?

▢  Do you belong to clubs and organizations? Do contribute? Maybe hold an office?

▢  Can you smoothly collaborate with many types of people? Many ages of people?

NEWSFLASH! Every skill that employers seek is learned in school or school activities

That’s why this Challenge looks so much like the workplace Agility Test!

Practice the 12 strategies from the College Smart® book. They are skills to be learned – the same way you become a super swimmer or computer whiz.

FYI: Business calls these qualities soft skills.
  • Employers desperately need them.
  • Do you have them now? If not, what are you going to do about it?
  • Become a College Smart®– Career Smart® student!
  • You’ll be workplace-ready.
  • You’ll stand out in a crowd of job candidates.
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