Dealing with College and Covid
If you check out my website, you’ll discover that I’ve had many years of experience with students just like you, working on a college degree. I know students, inside and out. Right now, your biggest concern is being prepared as a student on campus with the COVID virus all around you: even among friends you just casually want to stop and say “hi” to on a walkway. True, a college education is absolutely something to strive ...
Postponing College
Postponing College — A Better Route for Some It could be the most troublesome educational decision a student and parents make: whether or not to defer college for a short time after high school. The right decision means academic success and educational accomplishment.The wrong decision can result in many complications/frustrations and take years to resolve. Some Parent’s ViewPostponing college for any period of time is ...
Parents: How to Use Tests as Learning Tools
Truism #1: Parents who do not examine their student’s tests are doing their student a disservice in the learning process. Take time to look over the tests your student brings home. And if you are not seeing them, something’s wrong. Is your student hiding low grades? That’s something you need to know. What if your student is not allowed to keep tests and so cannot bring them home? Talk to the teacher and make an appoint...
Parents and Teens Will Get College Smart with a Dean!
Got questions about college? You might even have some anxiety about your students’ preparedness in taking this next big step. You wonder — are you all really ready for college? Find out by joining other college-bound teens and their parents on Sunday, May 15, at 7pm. Retired academic dean Dr. Bob Neuman will provide straight answers and clear direction to get all of you college smart. Dr. Neuman, a national expert on the topic, ...