Not Career Ready

Employers desperate to find competent hires

“Why are so many college students failing to gain job skills before graduation?”
As students, they never developed skills to analyze or solve problems, manage time, handle a workload, or communicate well.
The problem?
They aren’t College Smart®–Career Smart® grads.

Unpreparedness is a major U.S. Problem.

See the real-life results of not being a learner

Employers give college graduates low scores for preparedness across learning outcomes; students think they are better prepared. Employers need an agile workforce.
Proportions saying recent college graduates are well prepared in each area.
career graph

These are the findings from a Hart Research Associates study conducted on behalf of the Association of American Colleges & Universities. The chart was featured in The Washington Post, “Why are so many college students failing to gain job skills before graduation?” by Jeffrey J. Selingo, former Editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education and current contributor to the Washington Post.

40% of grads lack reasoning skills for white-color jobs.1Douglas Belkin quoted in Test Finds College Graduates Lack Skills for White Collar Jobs, Wall Street Journal article, Jan. 26, 2015. Check yr date Original Source :The Collegiate Learning Assessment Plus study.

One study administered to 32,000 students at 169 college and universities found that …40% of college seniors fail to graduate with the complex reasoning skills needed to manage white-collar work.

Says the Head of Global Learning at Xerox, John Leutner…

…they need to learn how to learn… College graduates now move into a contextual job, not a task-based, job.2from the above Washington Post article: We now rank 6th among the Most Educated Countries of the World. February, 2018, The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Can the U.S. compete in today’s rapidly changing global marketplace?

Not without being Agile, a business term. And Agility is another word that describes College Smart® skills.

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