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When to start preparing for College?
Research says: Middle School

It’s a pivotal transition in students’ lives.

Why Middle School? It prepares students to “manage” high school:  helping students grow more self-sufficient control their time get/stay organized weigh daily decisions choose “productive” study places develop more mature learning tactics plan for meeting deadlines keep up” with readings (when no one checks).

Researchers now believe that a student’s freshmen year of high school acts as a predictor of success for freshman year of college.

Consider how “structurally” high school mirrors college. Many more students a far larger building each student follows an individual schedule different teachers different teaching styles more long-term assignments frequent independent study/readings as “homework” (easy to procrastinate and fall behind).

High school is your practice field for college. Use it to become a College Smart® student. Freshmen year in college requires all the skills listed above but in a far more independent and faster-moving setting. As a college freshman, you’ll know what to do to succeed. 

Plus, students have much more freedom in using their time. You’ll learn how to avoid the “time trap” in making everyday decisions.

Most Sources Agree… at Public Colleges and Universities:

Only about 1 of 3
college students will earn a degree in 4 years.

30% of college freshman won’t return for their sophomore year.

And the “wheels of the cart” can start to fall off as early as Thanksgiving.1College Parents of America*(online) November 29, 2018, featuring a New York Times article, When A College Students Comes Come Home to Stay, quoting experts William Stixrud and Ned Johnson**authors of The Self-driven Child: The Science and Sense of giving your Kids More

57% of students who enroll will take 6 years to graduate.

A 50% increase in cost for families!2National Center for Education Statistics 2019. (60% in public institutions; 66% at private institutions.)

At Private Colleges and Universities:

52.8% will graduate in four years.

65.4% will earn a degree in six years.

Already in High School? Don’t Delay! Start now! It’s not too late!

These Strategies are your roadmap. Given your high school experiences, you’ll see the advantages immediately. Will it take “extra reading ? Yes, but it will be worth it. Start practicing with your current courses. Keep using the Strategies. As  high school grad, you’ll be ready to handle a college courseload.

In College? Start Now! You’ll put them to use more quickly. You’ll understand their value.

If you have adopted the Strategies during your college career, there’s probably a marked change in your grades on your college transcript. Explain to the interviewer, that the Strategies you use now give you great results! College Smart® grads become great Career employees.
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College is NOT 13th grade. College is Very Different

College Smart® students will graduate on time AND save parents piles of money.

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